When we talk about hyperalgesic states of the foot we refer to a pain frequently localized in specific foot (metatarsal bones, foot sole and foot neck, etc.) or ankle structures.
There are several trigger factors for the hyperalgesic states in the foot:
- dysmetabolic disorders (e.g. diabetes);
- foot nerves diseases (e.g. due to drugs, autoimmune conditions, etc.);
- systemic diseases (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, lupus herythematosus, septic arthritis, etc.);
- digital deformities (hammertoe, claw toe, etc.);
- biomechanical injuries (e.g. caused by shoes with rigid soles or heels, narrow footwear, etc.).
Foot pain becomes a severe impairment when it starts to affect negatively the daily activities of a subject (e.g. shopping, sport practice, etc.). It must also be considered that foot pain can cause long-term discomfort and in particular:
- callus formation;
- nerves and joints diseases;
- misalignment of foot toes and micro-lesions;
- tendinitis, plantar fasciitis and acute / chronic arthrosis;
- stress fractures.
Regardless of the causes, the pain of the foot and ankle must never be underestimated.
The pain in the foot can be efficaciously managed with the use of products containing natural active ingredients provided with marked antalgic and anti-inflammatory activities (Capsaicin Low Dose, Menthol and Adelmidrol).
Ask your Podiatrist for advice.